OK, so in 2008 I decided it would be a good thing to have a blog. I have looked at it several times over the last three...that's 3...yes THREE years! However, being a mite Internet UN-savvy, I have resisted the urge(translate that as found any excuse not to) to do anything further about it. I have been prodded by kind friends. It has been suggested to me by well-meaning customers that perhaps (nudge, nudge, kick in the backside) I should stop procrastinating and do something about that BLOG that I oh so conveniently kept "forgetting" about.
I am hereby committing to post to this blog a minimum of once weekly!
There! Written in blood!
There! Written in blood!
Congrats, I am looking forward to our words of wisdom.
looks good Katja
Not to worry, Katja. Better late than never. I was a "faithful" blog publisher on our travel blog down to Mexico, but now that we've been in Oaxaca for three (yes three!) years without turning a wheel, I stopped. I HOPE to get going again in the next month when we move to our new home, about 15 km away, to report on the "buying and building in Mexico" process.
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