One DEAD Computer |
Well, if you look closely, you'll note that my last post was September 2nd. Turned out that my computer's hard drive crashed later that day. You'll note the external hard drive next to the computer. Yes, it backed up my files daily at 10pm. All my files you say? Well so I thought. Turns out that my accounting files were not included in the documents I was backing up. When I picked up the computer it appeared that my accounting software had loaded, but without the financial files. After several stressful days and no sleep, thinking I had to rebuild back to my last year end, I stumbled across the data by accessing it in a different way than I have in the past. Turns out that it was just the change to a newer operating system and a different computer system, that was my problem. All is well that ends well.......
I haven't yet figured out everything on the Mac, like what do I do about my publisher files from my PC. I think I'll have to save them to a flash drive, take them to Staples and convert them to PDF so that I can at least read them and print them.
My Newsletter was of course in publisher...........so now I am rebuilding that template..............
Terrain by Kate Spain
ready for kitting into our new Block of the Month |
There were some bright spot in the last few weeks however, like the arrival of Terrain by Kate Spain for Moda. We've been busy cutting.
Linda joined my Mom and I at the store on a Sunday to help piece blocks. The top is almost complete and I will post pictures shortly.
Another season of Moda Club has begun |
Moda club started up again last Saturday. A great time was had by all. Check out
Carla's blog for the tidbits and show & tell.
Tantalizing gems ready to turn into a quilt! |
Here are the kits for the featured project shown below. They will be available in-store later this week.
Look what you can make with those little lovelies above. |
Have a great week! Remember this weeks lesson. Back-up, back-up, back-up!!!!!! And then check what info you are backing up, just to make sure.